534 Spectrum Center Dr - Irvine, CA 92618
Many investors have relied upon annuities to provide safety for their investment portfolios, and what most of them don’t realize are the potential consequences this can have. These products can be difficult to understand, and all too often, misrepresented by the salesperson. This meeting will teach you all the critical “must knows” about these complicated products. You and your spouse are cordially invited to this educational dinner event. The workshop is designed for those that own an annuity or are thinking of buying one. This event is educational, and for those thinking about buying an annuity, a chance to really see how that purchase might impact your retirement plan. So, come on out and enjoy a complimentary dinner after the presentation.
- The annuity language and the costs involved – caps, spreads, margins, participation rates, bonus and surrender charges.
- How to calculate the true fees and expenses on your annuity contract.
- How to evaluate your annuity, and determine if it is the right one for you.
- The annuity sales pitches and “scare tactics” to look out for.
- How to help protect your money WITHOUT buying an annuity!
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